“I welcome the appointment of New Superior – Genenral Fr. Adolfo Nicolas, to address the challenges of third millennium, that we are faciing. Jesuits are always known for commitment and imparting quality education. This millennium also suggests the Jesuits to be more oriented to unprivileged people by being alive to Gods love and mercy.” - Rt. Rev. M. Joji D. D, Archbishop of Hyderabad.
“Society should use its presence in parishes, schools, universities publishing houses to achieve universal literacy. every boy/girl and man/woman should be literate at least in their own language of culture. For long our schools and colleges were used by certain elite. but now our educational institutions should cater to those underprivileged who cannot afford education. through Education we should work for in self-confidence, dignity and freedom. Towards this goal we have follow the methodology of Paulo Fereire . The education helps them them to involve in sociological reflection to undestand the dynamics of disparity between rich and poor. this is the deep education that can be rendered.”
“Society should seriously take part in anti-war apostlates. When we scan around we find mass manufacture and sale of weapons to the poor and vulnerable countries, which are always kept in conflict and warlike situations. Added to this, neo-imperilisitc designs of European, American countries always drive the poor countries to perpetual poverty. Manufacture and trade of weapons, invasion, conflict, bloodshed of every kind, neo-imperialism are both anti-gospel and anti-human. Having been called to stand a witness to His values, we should fight out these evils.”
“We should work for people centered economics, science, technology, politics, education and religion. Centrality of the human being should be the point of concern in all our endeavours.” - Fr. Samuel Rayan S. J, Professor (Emeritus), Vidyajyoti.
Though he is basically a Spaniard, but culturally he is Japanese, and his heart is with Asia. I am happy that right man is chosen at right time. A man with pastoral and theological background added with his experience of Asian problems, Asian identity may act like Fr. Arrupe by giving down to earth directives to deal with the Asian complexities and problems. - Fr. Xavier Jeyaraj, Secretary, Jesuit Social Action(JESA).
Born in western hemisphere and living in east, has the global perspective and quite inserted in Asian Phenomena of culture and religion. His mind is universal and so his heart. So, borders of different kind can be crossed with a message of Jesus the Incarnate. Profoundly human and without any cultural inhibitions welcoming the creative and forward looking leadership to the Society of Jesus today. Interaction between culture and religion a major concern of today. - Fr. T.K. John S.J Professor (Emeritus), Vidyajyoti.
“I knew Fr. Adolfo Nicolas because he was the Secretary of GC 34, in which I had the privilege to participate. At that time ,he was the Provincial of Japan. I am very happy and grateful to God the he has been elected as our General. Whenever I approached to him for something or other, he was very friendly and smiling, and made me feel at home. He is a charismatic leader whom spontaneously people admire. During the GC 34, one of my companions (I do not remember who exactly), made a comment – Fr. Adolfo Nicolas will make a very good candidate for the General. There is no surprise that he has been elected General, and I hear with a thumping majority.”
“ His mission today is to take forward our social concerns with the fire and zeal of Rev. Fr. Arrupe. We know that the option for the poor and struggling and fighting for Justice and Human Rights have cooled off all over the world,in the Society of Jesus. It is the time to regain our fervour and enthusiasm. And Fr. Adolfo being an experienced man of the far east and having been in the thick of the struggles for the oppressed and marginalised,will do justice to our mission of Justice. He also has another important mission and it is to keep Pope Benedict, cool. He surely will help the Pope and collaborate with him keeping The Society's relationship warm and purposeful.” - Fr. A.X.J. Bosco S. J, Director, CITRA (Andhra Jesuit Social Centre).
"He is a blend of both West and East. He is elected at an historical juncture, When the the Asian Jesuits number is growing numerically. So,they have the defining role to play within the society and outside the society, they have the responsibility to shape the world. A perfect blend of reality and spiritualty would be fitting and prophetic. Governance, Formation, and definition of Mission and Vision need to be sharpened. There should be blend of Diplomacy and Prophetic Radicality."
"In the present Global context challenges are plenty and there should be Afro – Asian networking of Jesuits to empower marginalised and oppressed." -Fr. Amal Kulandaisamy S.J, Rector of Loyola College, Chennai.
"Fr. Adolfo Castillian, a spaniard belongs to Castillian. Two years ago he was in Delhi, attending a seminar on “Identity of Asain Jesuits”. He was President of Asian Provincials. He very much helped the Japanese Bishops conference with documents regarding Rome projects. He had good realtions with local church heirarchy."
"He is reflective like Fr. Arrupe. and theologically influenced. With his Asian roots, there can be wider openings in China. Secularisation in Europe and America and low vocations may have to be dealt." - Fr. Gispert – Sauch S J, Professor (Emiritus), Vidyajyoti.
“Good visionary and known for leadership qualities. He always challenges people to wake up to the new realities. His background in theology helps in discernment and faith. We must do more than what we do. We must handle all dimensions of human life. Asian reality calls us to respond to challenges of today and tomorrow with an apt vision and direction. Universal challenges need to be faced with local interests and context. The present trends of the world are consumerism, technological dependency, secularisation... but our stand is always to discern to bring people together with greater interaction for the well being of the world. Interaction between Jesuits of developed countries and developing countries should be continued at greater scale. Liberative and Holistic approach is important in our works.” - Fr. Arokiasamy Soosai S J, Professor (Emiritus), Vidyajyoti
“Very good choice in the person of Adolf Nicholas. Though he is a Spaniard, with his long association with Asian, we can correctly say he has an Asian heart to understand various cultures. As he knows the problems of Asia as an insider, he is emotionally involved with Asian reality.”
“Modern world as it is evolving now, leaves us with a lots of challenges like imperialistic globalisation, which is responsible for conflict, leaving the world in a self centred and techno-centric life, where the opportunity for some becomes the deprivation for many, basically becoming a world, void of neighbours. We have to address these problems by evangelisation of globalisation, that is bringing Kingdom values of Jesus in to the self centred global phenomena, and effecting change to bring the globalisation to the benefit of everybody. We can achieve this through the Intervention of Holy Spirit and in partenership with many collaborators.” - Fr.John Chathanatt S. J, Principal, Vidyajyoti.
"Society at this juncture should respond to problem of AIDS in Africa and extreme differences between rich and poor, technological revolution and its dehumanising phase, to address to those who dont believe in christ and to address the dropping down of standards in the Society of Jesus." - Sch. Ceaser S.J, Studying theology at Vidayajyoti.
He is an excellent human being. basically a theologian, progressive in his outlook with his background of West and East. I wish him to be the combination of both Arrupe and Kolvenbach being Extrovert and reticent. The problem of globalisation, secularisation, low vocations, religious fundamentalism should be addressed. - Fr. Francis Gonsalves S J, Professor, Vidyajyoti
"He is spirit inspired choice and a gift for us. Being aware of the cultural pluralism and down to earth issues of today, with a blend of the East and the west, he would lead the Jesuits to rediscover our apostolic aggressivity, inspire us to be integrated persons with others in these changing times, to guide us to serve the church and accompny us in lovijg the humanity and all forms of life in the Jesus way." - Sch. Joseph Puthenkulam S J, Studying theology at Vidyajyoti.
“We should continue to think with the church. Society needs to find its foundation of mission of Christ under the directive of Pope. So, he has to find ways and means of coordinating the society's work in accordance with popes direction. Should find ways of bringing the element spiritual dimension in a more tangible way in all its activities. All programs to be in tune with God's work and kingdom of God.” - Fr. John Joseph S. J, Registrar and Spiritual Director, Vidyajyoti.
“He is very cordial, he is a man who looks forward, especially open to respond to different cultures of Asia. He is also a man to bring Church in concrete terms with Asian realities. Grounded in theology and Christian tradition, who can understand and appreciate the Asian culture. Social and Dialogue ministries may take precedence. Openness to other cultures involving collaborative ventures with other cultures and religions in all our works.” - Fr. Leonard Fernando S. J, Professor, Vidyajyoti.
“He is a man of Dialogue, with his exchanges with Buddhism, and cultural vibrance with east. He having expericed the povert of Asia, cultural and religious divergence , I expect him to draw on some directive in our ministry.of dialogue.” - Fr. Victor Edwin S J, Secretary, Secretariat for Dialogue (JSD).
"The dawn of 21st century is disturbed by violence of various forms; namely religious fanaticism, economic disparities- rich becoming richer and the poor becoming poorer- even the little lands that give them sustenance are snatched away to create Special Economic Zones to accommodate MNCs. Declaration of wars and intrusion of the mighty armed nations into oil rich and other poor nations with vested interests, like in Iraq and Afghan resulted in massacre of lakhs of civilians including Children. Technological revolutions generating huge quantities of e-waste , topsy-turvy the climate pattern; all these forms of violence exhibit a bleak future for human dignity and welfare."
"I dream of environment friendly citizens of the world who would envision an eco and a human friendly development to give its due importance to human dignity. I wish Fr. General gives much attention to environmental refugees created due to various human activities degrading the mother earth." - Sch. Xavier Savari, Studying Theology at Vidya Jyoti.
"Society has passed the baton to a very experienced person indeed! Therefore our expectations from him are also quite high. Society has innumerable apostolates so he must be a man in touch with the ground realities of the world and should become a torch bearer to the whole Catholic Church. He is not only a leader of 19000 Jesuits in the Society of Jesus but also a leader of 1/3 of the total population in the world, particularly to 1+ billion Catholics in the world. In this changing time he has to find answerers to the following spheres of human life where people struggle to find meaning:
- Peoples' Alienation from spiritual and moral life
- An answer for AIDS ravaged Africa
- protecting the rights of the unborn (abortion)
- Euthanasia
- Terrorism
- Bridge the gap between warring countries
- Third country resettlement for the refugees
- Must be a visionary and must be able to find answers for tomorrow's problems today" - Sch. Johnson Padiyara S J, Studying Theology at Vidyajyoti