Madhu Chandra
This write up is to prove that the Saffron Mission is the missionary religion involved in proselytizing people from other faith to saffron faith. This is proved from the Dr. C.V. Mathew’s book “The Saffron Mission” and “Neo-Hinduism: A Missionary Religion.”
Both the books of Dr. C.V. Mathew talks on the same subject proving that the saffron mission is the missionary religion. He proves that the saffron religion’s claims to be non-missionary religion not involve in conversion is false and they involve in proselytizing others into their religious faith. Dr. C. V. Mathew in his first volume “Neo-Hinduism: A Missionary Religion” describe the saffron mission and its branches that they are missionary religion in smaller value. In his latter book “The Saffron Mission” expands what he has left from his earlier book in larger volume with more sources and wider facts and figures. In his latter volume, he has not only proven that saffron mission is missionary religion, but he also covers what are the aims and objectives of saffron mission, methods employed and the current trends and the challenges the Indian Churches are facing to tackle the saffron challenges.
It will not doubt for any one after studying the works of saffron mission that they are purely missionary religion, in supporting this C. V. Mathew refers Robson’s writing, “In 1874 Robson wrote that Hinduism was very successful in its proselytization work as it focused on the absorption of tribes and communities and not on the conversion of individuals by the efficient use of caste system.”[1]
The ideologies of saffron missions are to promote, propagate and defend the Vedic religion by converting the non-Vedic religions to the Vedic faith. All those who are brought to the Vedic faith are to make them as Aryans by imposing the Vedic faith, culture and ideology. The ideology of saffron goes much further than just promoting Vedic faith. They aim to Arynize the world and world as Aryavarta – a saffron world.
The saffron mission founders and missionaries have nurtured by the vision and dreams of Swami Dayananda Saraswati. He dreamt to make world as Aryanized and Aryavarta could be only possible by strengthening the Hinduism. His method of strengthening Hindus was first, by organizing Hindus by bringing and reviving the Vedic literature and religion, which we can see achieve in Arya Samaj and Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and now known as Sangh Parivar. Secondly, Saffron missions adopted another method by establishing a World Hindu movement which we can see in Vishva Hindu Parishad and many others of RSS’s branch in United Kingdom, USA and many other countries. Third method of Saffron missions is to establish Hindunized political power, which we see in Hindu sympathized political parties like Bharatiya Janata Party and Siva Sena of Indian political parties. Fourth method which we see is the Hindunized military power. It is not safe to mention any particular group that saffron missions have established as Hindu military wing. But it can be clearly seen in the activities of Bajrang Dal, who have been illegally propagating for the cause of Vedic faith.
Wining whole India to Vedic religion through the means of political power, imposing the Vedic culture and religion to non-Vedic religions, through establishment of Hindu military will be symbol of success in Arynizing and Aryavartizing the whole universe.
Dr. C.V. Mathew has proven that the saffron mission is a missionary religion in deep and wide search of literature from saffron, oriental, secular, Christian and political writings. The various branches of saffron mission beginning from Arya Samaj to contemporary saffron movement involve in spreading, expanding, and proselytizing the world to saffron faith.
In the study of Christianity’s history includes the history of its mission, expanding its faith to the world. It is true with Islam and Buddhism. Hinduism has denied its very nature of missionary but Dr. C.V. Matthew claims by quoting sources from various fields that Hinduism is a missionary religion. “An ideology of mission is present in Hinduism and this has always been an integral part of its historical development. However, in the modern period, Hinduism has become all the more zealous and aggressive in its mission on a global scale.”[1] Missionary motive of Hinduism is easily visible in the Saffron organizations in their practices and believe. Dr. C. V. Matthew has brought out in clear view of the missionary motives of saffron mission organizations. Before going further in studying some of the saffron missions, let us begin the visions, commitment and strategy of Swami Dayananda Saraswati.
2.1. Swami Dayananda Saraswati
The founder of Arya Samaj, Swami Dayananda Saraswati is the architecture of what Saffron Mission is all about today. He has been a key character in articulating what the saffron mission is all about. The branches and organization of Hindu religion has been influenced, motivated and founded upon the Saraswati’s ideology and strategy.
2.1.1. Background
Saraswati’s orginal name is known as Mulshankar, born in 1824 in Tankara town of Gujarat. He had training under the guruship of Swami Virjananda at Mathura learning the Vedic studies.
2.1.2. Commitment
Saraswati’s commitment can never be forgotten by any saffron motivated person. At the close of his Vedic training under the guruship of Swami Virjananda at Mathura in 1863. His guru wanted to get the commitment of Saraswati as dakshina of his training.
… I want from you a new kind of dakshina. Promise me that you will, as long as you live, devote everything, even give up your life, to the propagation of the books of Rishis and the Vedic Dharma. I will accept from you the fulfillment of that promise as my dakshina.[2]
On that day Dayananda Saraswati the Saffron Missionary was born. There was no other human who kept this pledge more loyally and faithfully.[3] For following two decades, Saraswati till he breathed last in 1883 at Ajmer, propagated the Vedic faith and fought against the falsehood of the Puranic faith.
His visit to Calcutta with leading men of Brahmo Samaj in 1872-73, particularly with Rajnarayan Bose sparked his life about the Hinduism by the Superiority of Hinduism which he has seen in the life of Rajnarayan Bose. Keshub Chandra Sen has also influenced Saraswati to cover his body properly, give his lectures in Hindi rather than in Sanskrit, and he learnt the socio-religious activities from Brahmo Samaj and adopted in his mission.
While he was propagating Vedic faith by preaching and proselytizing non-Vedic faith to Vedic faith, he was also totally against Christianity and Islam which he wrote in his revised version of Satyarth Prakash in 1884, “This book contains the basic teachings of Dayananda and thus of the Arya Samaj. In it one also finds Dayananda’s bitter criticisms of the major non-Vedic religions of Indian origin and two non-Indian religions, Christianity and Islam.”[4] Latter in Dr. C. V. Mathew write Saraswati’s appeal to saffron followers to hate and quite these two major non-Vedic religions from Indian soil.
2.1.3. The Regenerator of Aryavarta
Dr. C. V. Mathew in his own wording and from other source has commented Swami Dayananda Saraswati as, “Dayananda came to be known as ‘Maharishi’, ‘the Regenerator of Aryavarta’, ‘the Luther of India’, ‘the Savior of Hinduism’ and so.”[5]
Indeed Saraswati has revived the Vedic faith by defending and promoting the Vedic faith from non-Vedic faith and to the non-Vedic religion. His concept of promoting the Vedic faith is beyond a Vedic religion. His vision, mission, purpose and teaching were to aryanize the world by defending the Aryan faith and propagating the Aryan faith and race by proselytizing the non-Vedic religion. “The Arya Samajists are the Nazis of Hindustan; they anticipated Hitler by almost a century’. …It was the genius of Shri Dayananda Saraswati, the founder of the Arya Samaj that discovered the almost forgotten name [Aryans] of the people of Aryavarta.”[6]
2.2. Hindu Missionary Movement of Arya Samaj
Under the leadership of Swami Dayananda Saraswati, the Arya Samaj was founded on April 10, 1875 in Bombay.[7] Samaj did not get support from orthodox Hindu in the early period of the movement. However during the leadership of Swami Sharddhananda, the Samaj received great response from the Hindu community particularly through the changes of orthodox Hindus as Sanatanists. The success of Samjar in their effort to depend and promote the Vedic faith is through Suddhi and Sangathan against the missionary religions of Christianity and Islam. “They had begun to see the rationale behind the Samajists’ plea for suddhi and other reform policies and programs aimed at uplifting the untouchables.”[8]
2.2.1. Missionary Activities of Arya Samaj
Samajists carried the touch of Saraswati’s mission and countless Aryan missionaries crossed the boarder of Aryavarta and established branches of Arya Samaj to Fiji Islands, Kenya, Uganda, New Zealand and Australia.[9]
Samajist who are known as Arya missionaries wanted to convert the whole world to Vedic faith by their preaching and also by making religious conquest of men’s heart in the whole world. Dr. C. V. Mathew gives details of fast growing Arya missionaries:
There are about 5,000 Arya Samaj units in Indian and abroad, 200 provincial district councils, 300 Arya Vir Dal units, 200 Arya Kumar Sabhas, 500 colleges and high schools, 60 gurukhuls, 300 Sanskrit pathasalas, 400 pathasalas for the depressed classes, 200 orphanages, 300 printing presses, newspapers, periodicals, reading rooms and libraries, 1000 sanyasis and preachers and 20 million Aryas in the world. Promoting Vedic Religion
Samajists believe and claim that only the Vedic faith and religion and their Vedic scripture is true and thus promote their Vedic religions to whole world. The Vedas are the source of God’s knowledge and infallible and inerrant. To acquire knowledge, one should believe and accept the Vedic teaching of Vedas. They aim to promote and propagate the Vedic faith to non-Vedic religion by proselytizing in the form of suddhi.
To promote Vedic religion mean promoting Aryan faith and its main aim and objective of the Samaj is to aryanize the world and bring whole world in to the Aryan fold by politically and religiously. Dr. C. V. Mathew has rightly commented on Dayanand, “Dayananda’s doctrine of the Vedas was more than an attempt to defend the foundational basis of Hinduism. It was a calculated strategic officense.”[10] Defending Vedic Religion
Samajists think that all the non-Vedic religions of the world are false and only the Vedic. Samajists see Christianity and Islam as greatest enemy to Aryans. Other non-Vedic religions like Tantricism, Jainism, and Buddhism and like others are the corrupt form of Vedic religions yet they are no threat to Vedic religion. Aryavartizing World
Saraswati loves his religion of Aryans equally he loves his country. He sees that whole human beings are of the Aryans thus aryanizing the world is bringing the humanity to the origin of Aryavarta. “The welfare of the Aryans and all humankind depends upon a “return” – a return to the original Vedic religion discarding all erroneous religious systems, and returning Indian (the Aryavarta) to the Indians (the Aryas).”[11]
2.3. Saffron Missionary Movement of Ramakrishna Mission
“The Ramakrishna Mission was founded in May 1897, in Calcutta. Its aim is to preach spirituality and to social service.”[12]
The preaching of the Vedic faith all over the world and calling people back to their original faith and this Aryanizing the entire humanity has been the mission of Saffron religion. This dream of universal mission has been largely taken up and vigorously pursued by Swami Vivekananda and the Ramakrishna Mission. Dr. C. V. Mathew correctly defines,
While the Arya Samaj devoted its energy primarily to reviving and defending the Vedic dharma as the pure form of Hinduism in India and among the Hindu expatriates abroad, the Ramakrishna Movement profitably engaged in releasing Hinduism from its traditionally and ritually defined ideological and territorial confines.[13]
2.3.1. Missionary Activities of Ramakrishna Movement
The missionary activities of Swami Vivekananda and Ramakrishna Mission purely come out from his strong conviction of pure spirituality of Hinduism. “Flooding India with spirituality and thus through India regenerating the entire world is the mission.”[14]
Swami Vivekananda labored to awaken the missionary consciousness of the Hindu and he indicated to Hindu fellow citizens that Hindu religion is always missionary religion. “Therefore, he considered himself a missionary and the Ramakrishna Movement as missionary movement.”[15] Defending and Consolidating Hinduism
Vivekananda like Swami Dayananda defended and consolidated the Hindu religion. He consistently defended Hinduism that the morality and spirituality of west is never higher than the Vedic spirituality and thus “Vivekananda told the West that India did not need missionaries (but only scientists and technologists) and, it fact, it was the West that was in need of missionaries from India.”[16] Expansion of Hinduism
Vivekananda’s participation in Parliament of Religions was not only unification of world religion but he consider as opportunity to preach Hinduism through its medium.
“The next contribution that Vivekananda made to Hinduism was drawing it into a clear program of aggressive mission, both national and international.”[17]
Vivekananda had world missionary vision that world is waiting the treasure that will come out of India, spirituality that the hungry nations are waiting. “Therefore we must go out, exchange our spirituality for anything they have to give us…”[18] Reconversion
Ramakrishna Mission has high program of converting the aliens and reconverting the former Hindus. Dr. C. V. Mathew rightly writes about the Ramakrishna’s missionary activities, “Therefore it is not only right to reconvert these to their former religion, but also absolutely necessary…”[19] Vivekananda believes by reconversion the former Hindus will regain spiritually and strengthen the Hinduism.
2.4. Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) is one of parental body of Saffron movement founded in Nagpur in 1925 under the leadership of Dr. Keshaw Baliram Hedgewar. Dr. C. V. Mathew has commented on RSS, “It is one of the most disciplined volunteer forces in India and a major political force as well.”[20]
The dream of Swami Dayananda Saraswati to achieve the goal of Aryans, to Aryanized religion, Aryavarta, and Aryanized political, the RSS is the Aryanized religion wing of Aryans.
The ideology of RSS will be studied in a separate assignment but the activities of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh are summarized below.
2.4.1. A Call to Reform the Past
The RSS want Hindus to believe the Hinduism is the oldest and most advance form of spirituality. Therefore whole world should be under the spiritual influence of Vedic religion. It is believe among the Sangh that the spiritual influence of Vedic religion will be only possible as Dr. C. V. Mathew correctly pointed out, “It is attainable only by unlocking to the entire humanity the door of supreme happiness embedded in Hindu spirituality and culture.”[21]
Guruji M. S. Golwalkar’s vision for Sangh was not to work only in India among Hindu but to whole world, particularly in the west. Today the work of Sangh has rooted in the west and C. V. Mathew describes its expansion and growth.
During the Dr. Hedgewar Centenary celebration in Thane, Bhaskar Gadre a London based activist of the Sangh reported that the Sangh, under various names, such as Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh and Bharatiya Swayamsevak Sangh, has developed contacts in 52 countries of the world and is active in at least a dozen countries with nearly 300 centers.[22]
2.4.2. Promote Hindu Nationalism
Sangh has promoted the Hinduism by successfully welding together India and Hinduism in the form of patriotism. The patriotism has been spiritualized; motherland has become Mother Goddess, worthy to be worship.[23] All Hindus are considered deshbhakti – patriot but the non-Hindus in Indian can not be considered as the true sons of the soil. Therefore Guruji Golwalkar warned the Sangh, “It is dangerous to the security of the nation and the country. It is, therefore, necessary to put a stop of it.”[24]
To make Hindu nationalism is the chief goal of the Sangh and thus to achieve the goal of Hinduism by making world as Aryavarta. “The establishment of Hindu rashtra, or in the other words, the success of Hindu nationalism in India, will be the first step towards turning the whole world Hindu.”[25]
2.4.3. Reconvert the Former Hindus
Sangh believe the offence is the best form of defending Hinduism. The growth of non-Hindu religion is the threat to Hinduism, particularly the Christianity and Islam is considered as internal threat of the Hinduism. Therefore the Sangh has considered offending the non-Hindu faith particularly Christianity and Islam by reconverting those that have been converted to other faith. Sangh believe that the all those Christians and Muslims in India were formerly Hindus and they have been forcibly converted from Hinduism. Guruji Golwalker affirmed the Sangh, “It is our duty to call these forlorn brothers (Indian Muslims and Christians), suffering under religious slavery for centuries, back to their ancestral home.”[26]
2.5. Vishva Hindu Parishad
The dream of Swami Dayananda Saraswati to make the world as Aryan and Aryavarta, he throw the strategic input in the mind of his followers to establish Hindunized political power, Hindunized religious movement, Hindunized World religious movement and Hindunized military power. His dream is seen fulfilled in establishment of Vishva Hindu Parishad on 29 August 1964 in Bombay on the eve of Shri Krishna Janmashtami Day.
The goal Parishad is same of Sangh. The uniqueness of Parishad is that whiles all other Sangh parivar establishment emphasis within Indian Territory, the Parishad emphasis world wide by promoting and brings awareness of Hinduism to the Hindu community around globe. C. V. Mathew has correctly said, “A central organization to unite and inspire Hindus all over the world is the most urgent need of the hour.”[27]
2.5.1. The Activities of Vishva Hindu Parishad
The detail study of Vishva Hindu Parishad is carried out in a separate paper under MRSM subject yet few of its activities are studied here. Conversion
Like Sangh, the Parishad has emphasized reconversion. C. V. Mathew gives details of reconversion program taken under the Parishad,
A special report in Sunday magazine in 1982 says that 59,000 Christians and over 4,000 Muslims in India have had Gangajal poured over them… In 1989 the Parishad claims that it “it has successfully stemmed mass conversion of Hindus and has brought about 25,00 converts of other faiths back into Hindu society during last 25 years.[28] Convention
Another important achievement of the Parishad is in the area of holding large scale conventions in all over the world. These conventions have brought immense effect on Hinduism as C. V. Mathew writes, “These conventions have had a tremendous effect upon the Hindu psyche. They have served to boost Hindu moral.”[29] World Wide Activities
Parishad activists tries to impress Hindus that the Hinduism has taken root in foreign soils and world has empress the Hinduism. Thus appeal to Hindus in India to alert for the dangers that can be cause by the Christianity and Islamic missionary work.[30]
2.6. Guruism of Saffron Mission
The Guruism is one of the most ancient and significant aspect of Indian religion. C. V. Mathew writes about the contribution of Gurus and Guruism to the expansion of Vedic faith, “In modern Indian religious and cultural history of gurus, as individuals, and guruism as an institution, have assumed great significance and popularity. In the emergence and expansion of the modern renascent Hinduism, charismatic gurus have played a decisive role.”[31]
The gurus of Sai Baba tradition, Guru Maharaji, Acharya Rajneesh, Swami Sivananda, Swami Narayanananda, Sir Chinmoy, Swami Chinmayananda, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and Swami Prabhupad has influenced the cause promoting and defending Hinduism in breath and length of Indian and aboard.
Dayananda’s doctrine of the Vedas, Vedic religion, non-Vedic religion, and Aryans and Aryavarta, which the Arya Samaj faithfully follows, are of the significant importance to the ideology of mission in Hinduism.[32] The aim and objectives of Saffron Missions are found upon the ideology of Swami Dayananda Saraswati, adopted by others they are as follows:
3.1. Promoting Vedic Literature
It is common among all the saffron missions that the Vedic literature is the oldest and most cultured and rich sacred literature in the world. Therefore all the activists of the saffron mission have their lives for the cause of spreading the Vedic literature. C. V. Mathew comments on the ISKCON on Vedic literature, “ISKCON considers all Vedic knowledge infallible and complete.”[33] Therefore it is the goal of ISKCON to preach the Bhagavadgita, the most complete Vedic revelation. The commitment of ISKCON activists can be remember for their missionary movement and activities.[34]
3.2. Aryanization of the World
The ideology of saffron mission, one will realize after studying the movement is the deep and broad to Aryanizing the world. It is beyond bringing the faith and spiritual values of Vedic religion. It is aimed at making all non-Vedic religions as Aryans by influencing by Aryan culture and faith. C. V. Mathew has correctly quoted from other sources in his book:
The prime object of Arya Samaj is to do good to the world… The key to this altruistic mission which aims to make every one a ‘ cultured’ person (to ‘Aryanize’) is in the dissemination of the Vedic knowledge… Krinvanto visvamaryam (let us make the whole world Aryan) is, therefore, the guiding principle of expansionist ideology… Dayanand and his Samaj sowed the seeds of a world-wide Hindu mission in the modern times.[35]
3.3. Aryavartization of the World
Aryavartization of saffron mission is much more than Aryanization. In Aryanization, saffron mission aims at making every human being as Aryan. Aryavartization means to make whole universe an Aryan world by imposing Aryan culture, religion, and world ruler in power and political.
C. V. Mathew has summarized Brahmanical Hinduism, “Mission in Vedic and Brahamanical Hinduism may be summarized as ‘Aryanization’. Rig Veda. 9:63:5 reads krinvanto visvamarayam, “Let us make the whole world Aryan.”[36]
C. V. Mathew has correctly pointed out the embedded methodology of saffron missions in achieving their aims and objects as writes:
He held the view that “if Indians were to emerge as modern people, they had to do so as the inheritors and the continuators of their ancient religion, (the Vedic Religion), they must one scripture (the Vedas), one language (Hindi), and one racial consciousness (being Aryan), and one territory (Aryavarta) and one supreme political authority.[37]
The method used by saffron mission can studied four different wings, revival of Hinduism, establishing the world Hindu movement, saffronized political power, and saffron military wing. These four-fold visions was given birth by Swami Dayananda to the Samajists, then adopted and nurtured by the saffron activists.
4.1. Revive the Hinduism
Gurus like Dayananda and many others of saffron consider important to revive the Hindu community if they want to survive and achieve the goal of Aryans’ to Aryanize the world. The method they used to strengthen their Hindu community first by reviving the Vedic literature and religion. To revive the Hinduism and strengthen, saffron activists adopted the methods of Suddhi and Sangathan.
4.1.1. Suddhi of Saffron Mission
The Suddhi program of Saffron missions first introduced by Swami Dayananda Saraswati, which followed by Samaj activities then followed by other saffron missionaries, is none other than reconverting Christians, Muslims and other non-Vedic religions to Vedic religion. C. V. Mathew quotes from the work of D. S. Sharma:
First, suddhi is a means to convert non-Hindus to Hinduism; second, it is a means to uplift the depressed classes and the untouchables to the level of the caste Hindus; third, it is means to reclaim or reconvert former Hindus now in Islam or Christianity; and fourth, it is neither an unorthodox nor an illegitimate means of achieving these objectives.[38]
4.1.2. Sangathan of Saffron Mission
Sangathan is the action plans of saffron to self defend from non-Vedic religions. Under the leadership of Swami Shraddananda, the Sangathan movement was established to save the dying racism of Aryans. C. V. Mathew writes about Hindu sangathan, “Hindu sangathan… stands for the consolidation of the Hindu community in order to save itself from being wiped out.”[39]
4.2. World Hindu Movement
One of the factors that lead the success of saffron mission in Indian and world is their strength and support they established from world Hindu movement. While still working the revival of Hinduism, propagating the Vedic faith to the non-Vedic religions within the Indian soil, the saffron missionaries footed their support in foreign soils. Raising the issue of Hindu cause to the universal humanity, Hindu gained the symphonic from rich and educated Hindu community around the globe.
By establishing world Hindu movement, the saffron missions like Vishva Hindu Parishad and many others could gain the money power which has strengthen the saffron mission world wide.
4.2.1. Money Power Taped
The saffron missionaries have taped the financial sources from the western countries for its missionary activities. Vishva Hindu Parishad having its international Head Office at London has played a major role for the cause of Hindu religion particularly by the money power. Recently in a local news paper in Chandigarh appeared UK charities scam linked to Sangh Parivar by Ashish Kumar Sen:
The report, “In Bad Faith? British Charity and Hindu Extremism,” produced by Awaaz, a London-based secular network, states that these charities collected donations running into millions of pounds from the British public under the guise of humanitarian causes. Most prominent among these were relief efforts to aid victims of the Orissa cyclone and the Gujarat earthquake.[40]
The report further says, “The document explains in detail how the UK based Sewa International sent £2 million raised for Gujarat earthquake relief to its Indian counterpart, Sewa Bharati. Part of the Sangh Parivar, Sewa Bharati has a well-documented agenda of expanding Hindutva networks in India.”[41]
Report mentions that other saffron organizations were also involved in raising funds:
Though not registered as a charity in the UK, Sewa International is the fund-raising arm of the registered charity HSS, the UK branch of the RSS. “It uses the charity registration number of the HSS to raise funds from British people,” the report says. Funds raised by Sewa International run into millions of pounds. The bulk of this money has allegedly been channelled to RSS front organizations in India.[42]
4.2.2. Propagate the False Information
Saffron missions and missionaries have been telling the western counter part that India is united while so much division and diversity that has caused by the Vedic culture imposed on the Indian community. Unit UN council in Durban, the world heard nothing of caste practice in India. Dalit leaders through the help of Christian leaders could take the Dalit cause and inform to the world of the caste and oppression in India. Thereafter the world heard that casteism is worse than racism which the Aryans since their invasion have created.
4.3. Saffronized Political Power
It was the dream of Swami Dayananda to establish a Hindu political power in Indian throne to achieve the goal of saffron missions. The vision he has passed on has become alive and reality after 180 years. C. V. Mathew correctly observe Dayananda’s ideology, “… he bound the religion of Indian with the land of India. He effected a marriage between religion and politics with resulted in a politicization of religion and sacralization of politics.”[43]
Bharatiya Janata Party is none other than a politicization of Hindu religion, supported by the saffron mission and supporting the Hindu cause.
Like Dayananda, Swami Chinmayananda also had similar dream. C. V. Mathew quotes:
We should manifest we are all Hindus and we are a Hindu Nation. In election this will count for every political party. Never mind for petrodollars or Christian influx of money. Overnight, we shall turn all of them when we shall feel strengthen… If 80% people will be strong all others will naturally come handfolded to us and say ‘we are also yours our grand-fathers were Hindus’ and soon turn to organize Hindus without wasting time in worrying about the help coming from abroad.[44]
One can not forget after studying the saffron mission and its growth is that the commitment and vision Swami Dayananda had for his religion and race. It was built upon his ideology through Aryan Samaj that the saffron ideologies were passed on to the saffron missionaries, gurus and activists. Dayananda’s mission was none other than missionary motive of propagating the Vedic faith and religion to the universe. It was more than preaching the Vedic religion. It was to impose the Aryan faith, culture to whole non-Aryan world. It was to establish the Aryan world the Aryavarta under the supreme control of Aryans.
In order to achieve their motives, saffron missions used the method of reviving and strengthening the Vedic faith within themselves and proselytizing the non-Vedic religions. Secondly they established world Hindu movement to impress the world and tape the money power. Thirdly they used the available political power. Aryanizing Indian will be first step of Aryanizing and Aryavartizing the world.
End Note
[1] C.V. Matthew, The Saffron Mission, Delhi, 2001, p.39.
[1] Ibid., p.4.
[2] Ibid., p.65.
[3] Ibid.
[4] Ibid., p.67.
[5] Ibid., p.69.
[6] Ibid., p.70.
[7] Ibid., p.67.
[8] Ibid., p.69.
[9] Ibid., p.70.
[10] Ibid., p.78.
[11] Ibid., p.76.
[12] Ibid., p.117.
[13] Ibid., p.108.
[14] Ibid., p.129.
[15] Ibid.
[16] Ibid., p.131.
[17] Ibid., p.134.
[18] Ibid., p.137.
[19] Ibid., p.138.
[20] Ibid., p.178
[21] Ibid., p.194.
[22] Ibid.
[23] Ibid.
[24] Ibid., p.195.
[25] Ibid.
[26] Ibid., p.198.
[27] Ibid., p.205.
[28] Ibid., p.208.
[29] Ibid., p.212.
[30] Ibid., p.210.
[31] Ibid., p.231.
[32] Ibid., p.78.
[33] Ibid., p.240.
[34] Ibid., p.244.
[35] Ibid., p.82.
[36] Ibid., p.36.
[37] Ibid., p.77
[38] Ibid., p.93
[39] Ibid., p.100.
[40], 26 February 2004
[41] Ibid.
[42] Ibid.
[43] Ibid., pp.81-82.
[44] Ibid., p.211.