Monday, August 27, 2007

123 Indo-US Nuclear Deal - Forgotten Thoughts

1… 2… 3… set… go….!!! Well, it may sound better for a race, but surly not for an 123* Nuclear Deal with US, Which is under the shadow of Hyde Act, endangering the Sovereignty of the country, as India’s role to be one of support and complicity with the Policies of US. The Deal is also undemocratic as it had no consensus of Indian Public.

The whole debate on the issue of 123 Deal was only on the strategic and imperialistic designs of US on our Foreign policies and Economic affairs. But not on, whether we require or support nuclear energy at all, even if it meant to be for civilian and peaceful purposes. Is one not aware of nuclear waste and toxicity of its elements that result in radiation and global warming?

Strontium 90 an element of nuclear waste, remains radio active for 600 years. It causes bone cancer, leukemia and breast cancer. Plutonium, most significant element in nuclear waste, is so carcinogenic that hypothetically half a kilo, evenly distributed could cause cancer in everyone on earth. Along with causing other types of cancers, it has a predilection for the testicles, where it induces genetic mutilations in the sperm of humans and other animals that are passed on from generation to generations causing gross birth deformities.

P.M Manmohan Singh is very eager to inflate the energy for the development of India. So, one has to question “Whose development? Is it for?” “Is it for the poor and the marginalized? Or for the rich owned industries and corporations?” Will the Inflation of energy have any significance and relevance for the betterment of those unprivileged and underprivileged? More than a country's economy, humanity is important.

If the Deal becomes operational and where will be the nuclear plants established? Surely not on rich man’s land (cities), for they are health hazardous. But they would be littered around in rural areas and tribal areas causing displacements and deforestation. The health and lives of scapegoats (voiceless) are endangered and victimized for the greater cause of ‘energy production’.

If the nuclear plants to be set up! How do we mange the machinery and tools? Well, along with nuclear fuel we may have to import nuclear machinery from US? So, there would be deflation of foreign exchange. Will the imported machinery be latest? As usual US would sell us outdated equipment. In this deal of importing one can also imagine acts of corruption by our Ministers and Bureaucrats.

Crisis driven media, concentrated only on the reporting party politics and creating the hype of mid-term polls rather than responsibly informing the implications of the deal. It was also unfortunate that BJP and other political parties only relished the prospect of early polls, by questioning the integrity of Left parties in continuing support to Congress, rather really debating the issue.

Why should we not think of alternative and multiple small-scale energy generating methods???

Promoting or using nuclear energy is an immoral act that is unforgivable.


*why 123? - The united states is willing to incorporate assurances regarding fuel supply in the bilateral US - Indian Greement on peaceful uses of nuclear energy under section 123 of the US Atomic Energy Act, which will be submitted to the US Congress.

1 comment:

baskar said...

this mail on 'nuclear' is an eye opener to me. it must be read by everybody. keep up your good works of spreading such news with all. all the best.